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Curio & Craft Day Market

By February 14, 2017 4139

The Curio & Craft Daily Market offers you a fantastic experience whilst nestled in the center of our lovely town at the Old Harbour Market Square. The stalls that open up to the public every day from 10h00 until 17h00 are reminiscent of the stalls in Hermanus’ history, and sell many hand made products that are both beautiful and hold a bit of Hermanus in them. Among the shops you will find kelp horns, paintings, sculptures and beaded art works as well as the more traditional African deities and jewellery.

However, if you’re taste goes more towards the modern then there are many stalls that sell beautiful garments and trinkets for you to take home and enjoy. Souvenirs are also obviously bountiful here so you’re bound to find just the right token of Hermanus for you to keep.

For more information you can contact the Village Square or visit their site.

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Last modified on Thursday, 20 January 2022 10:32
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